Research article
Tavacıoğlu, L., Taç, U., Eski, Ö., Gökmen, N., Uzun, B., & Tirgil, U. (2019). Leadership in Maritime: Assessing the effect of Leadership Motivation and Fear. Leadership, 3(1), 51-57.,
Özsever, B., & Tavacıoğlu, L. (2018). Analysing the effects of working period on psychophysiological states of seafarers. International maritime health, 69(2), 84-93.,
Taç, U., Tavacıoğlu, T.,Bolat, P. (2017). Age and Experience Based Neurocognitive Performance of Seafarers. Engineering Sciences.
Bal Beşikçi, E., Tavacıoğlu, L., & Arslan, Ö. (2016). The subjective measurement of seafarers’ fatigue levels and mental symptoms. Maritime Policy & Management, 43(3), 329-343.,
Kiliç, K., & Tavacioglu, L. (2015). INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE WORK PERFORMANCE OF SEAFARERS. Analele Universitatii Maritime Constanta, 16(24).
Taç, U., Tavacıoğlu, T.,Bolat, P., Kora, O.K.,Bolat, F. (2014).Monitoring Seafarers Cognitive Performance During a Voyage by Automated Neurological Assessment Metrics. Constanta Maritime University Annals, 20(5), 291-310.
Bicen, S., & Celik, M. (2022). A hybrid approach to near-miss report investigation towards next-generation safety solutions on-board ships. Ocean Engineering, 266, 112768.
Bicen, S., Kandemir, C., & Celik, M. (2021). A human reliability analysis to crankshaft overhauling in dry-docking of a general cargo ship. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 235(1), 93-109.
Conferance Papers
Taç, U., & Tavacıoğlu, L. (2019). Investigating the Impact of Ageing on Navigation Performance of Deck Officers. Cataloging-In-Publication Data, 845.
Taç, U., & Tavacıoğlu, L. (2019). An Assessment of Seafarers’ Mental Workload: A Case Study on Routine Navigation Operations. Cataloging-In-Publication Data, 840.
Tavacıoğlu, L., Taç, U., Gökmen, N., Eski, Ö., Yılmaz, C., (2018). A Research As Mobbing Examination in Maritime Sector. International Conference on Science and Technology (ICONST18), 05.09.2018.
Taç, U., Tavacioğlu, L., & Bolat, P. (2016). Assessing Seafarers’cognitive Abilities by Using Neurocognitive Test Battery. Proceedings Book, 453.
Sürer, E. G., Özkaya, G. G., Tavacioğlu, L., & Taç, U. (2016). Intermittent Husband Syndrome Analysis for Seafarers and Their Families. Proceedings Book, 8, 735.
Taç, U., Tavacioğlu, L., & Bolat, P. (2016). Scenario Based Reaction Time Analysis for Seafarers, MCC 2016 : 18th International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Chemistry, 07.11.2016.