Laboratory Type: Research
Specialization: Cognitive Ergonomics in Maritime Studies
To address cognitive ergonomics challenges in the maritime field through scientific research. The laboratory aims to enhance the cognitive ergonomic performance of both domestic and international personnel in the maritime sector by leveraging science and technology.
Establishment Information:
Established in 2008 at the İTÜ Maritime Faculty.
Services Offered:
The Maritime Cognitive Ergonomics Research Laboratory provides consultancy services for project development, design, patents, and similar requests.
Opportunities for Researchers:
- Offers experimental analysis to guide researchers in their article and thesis work.
- Provides opportunities to specialize in the use of measurement devices through project-based applications.
Laboratory Work System:
Researchers seeking consultancy services are required to fill out a request form and submit it to the laboratory coordinator.
Laboratory Operating Hours:
Weekdays: 08:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Scientific Fields (ÜAK Field Information):
- Engineering
Other Research Areas:
- Neurophysiological Monitoring Studies Onboard Ships
- Cognitive Modeling of Ship Operations
- Psychophysiology Research
- Performance and Work Efficiency of Seafarers
- Perception, Attitude, and Behavior Studies among Seafarers
- Organizational / Cognitive Psychology
- Human Resource Management
- Management, Organization, and Behavior
- Survey Applications Related to the Field
- Virtual Reality Studies
- Integration of Seafarers into Autonomous Ship Systems
- Integration of operators into autonomous ship systems – automatic adjustment of automation levels (future study)
- Cognitive Seafarer-Ship Interface
- Fatigue Detection Systems